Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Latin Roots #9

Roots and Derivatives 
1. grad, gress (to step, to walk): gradual, progress, graduation, progression, congress, gradation 
2. grat, grac (pleasing, favor): gratitude, graceful, congratulate, disgrace, gratification 
3. greg (flock, herd, group): congregation, segregation, congregate, desegregation
4. host, hosp(it) (host, guest): hostess, hospital, hospitality, hostage, hospitaler 

Word List
1. aggregation (n): separate Individuals joined in a group, often for a specific purpose; a mass composed of many parts

2. aggressive (a): tending to be combative or forceful; filled with initiative or bold enterprise

3. degraduation (n): a major reduction in worth, quality, or standing; a deterioration, as of moral character

4. digress (v): to wander off the point or topic

5. egregious (a): standing out from others, but in a bad way, conspicuously bad; flagrant 

6. gracious (a): characterized by kindness, courtesy, pleasantness, and charm; merciful and compassionate

7. gratuity (n): a gift (generally money) given beyond the usual payment; a tip

8. gregarious (a): literally, living in flocks or herds; fond of being with other people 

9. hospice (n): a place other than a hospital for the terminally ill to reside; a place of shelter for travelers
10. hostel (n): an inexpensive place of lodging, as an inn or regional hotel

11. Ingratiate (v): to (try to) make oneself appear favorable or necessary to another; to bring into the good graces of 

12. inhospitable (a): not inclined to be kind or friendly; barren and forbidding 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Still Wrong Ebola Rx

1. The problem that the writer identifies is that the CDC wants hospitals to be prepared for Ebola cases so that they can provide the right treatment to the patients with Ebola.

2. The solution the writer offers is to use bio-containment hospitals and expand them to reduce the risk of nurses and doctors getting infected with the virus and spreading it more.

3. Sean Kaufman sees the CDC's guidelines for protective gear as absurd and unnecessary.

4. The point that Michael Burgrees made was that we can get infected from anywhere and that nurses' and doctors' whole bodies should be covered and protected.

5. I agree with the recommendation because such a contagious and deadly disease like Ebola should be treated in bio-containment facilities. Patients with Ebola need to be isolated and should have no reason to be in the same room/roof as a patient without it. Bio-containment facilities were created for a more precise and specific type of disease, so we'd might as well take advantage of them the right way.
They agree to with my reasons. Only diseases as deadly and serious like Ebola should be treated in special and isolated areas. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Ebola Summary

     In the report titled, "Ebola Viral Disease Outbreak - West Africa 2014", writers Meredith G. Dixon and Ilana J. Schafer explain the characteristics of the Ebola disease and point out the efforts to control the outbreak. The tone of the report was informative, straightforward, and tragic. First, the writers explain that the disease is characterized by the sudden onset of fever and malaise, followed by other signs and symptoms like myalgia, headaches, vomiting, and more. Next, the writers inform us that among Ebola patients, about 30% to 50% experience hemorrhagic symptoms. In severe and fatal forms, multiorgan dysfuction that includes hepatic damage, renal failure, and central nervous system involvement occur that leads to death. Also, the writers inform us the keys to control the disease. The keys include isolation of patients from the community to prevent the virus from spreading, identifying contacts of ill people, tracking the contacts daily for the whole incubation period of 21 days, and investigating of retro-perspective cases to document historic and ongoing chains of virus transmission. In addition, the writers mention that to implement prevention and control measures in both Guinea and Liberia, ministries of health organized and Ebola treatment centers to provide better patient care and interrupt virus transmission. Finally, the writers conclude by claiming what Ebola is based on, by fevers accompanied by other symptoms, and how the world is trying to put an end to it, by establishing Ebola treatment centers. 


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Latin Roots #8


1. flu(x), fluct (flow, flowing): fluid, influx, flush, fluctuate, influence, influenza, fluent
2. fort, forc (strong): fortress, forceful, reinforce, comfortable, effortlessly
3. frater(n), fratr (brother): fraternity, fraternal, fraternalism, confraternity
4. fus, fund, found (por, melt): transfusion, funnel, refund, fountain, confusion, foundry, fusion


1. affluent (a, n): flowing with wealth and riches: prosperous: (n), a flowing stream, as a tributary 

2. confluence (n): a coming or flowing together, as of rivers or ideas; a place of joining

3. confound (v): to perplex, confuse, amaze, or bewilder

4. effusive (a): pouring fourth in an emotional way; unrestrained or overly demonstrative

5. forte (n): one's special area of accomplishment or performance; one's strong point

6. fortify (v): to make stronger; to strengthen; to establish defenses

7. fortitude (n): strength of character, patient courage

8. fraternize (v): to associate or socialize in a brotherly fashion; to be friendly with

9. fratricide (n): the killing of one's own brother; someone who commits such an act

10. mellifluous (a): as if flowing with honey or sweetness; like the tones of a honeyed voice

11. profusion (n): a pouring forth, as of great numbers; plentifulness; an abundance

12. superfluous (a): (flowing) beyond what is needed; in excess of a sufficiency