Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Lazy Song -Bruno Mars


     I chose this specific song because I wanted to start off with a somewhat easy song. Plus I've always enjoyed it and I knew that I had to learn how to play with it on guitar. Changing chords isn't really that much of a problem for me, but there is only one chord that I'm not that familiar with in this song (B7). Strum pattern for me is fine, and other than chord transitions, this song should be a delight to play.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Final Journal Chapter 12 Questions

     I was expecting a much more brutal ending. One where Ralph manages to kill everyone attempting to hunt him. Perhaps one where Jack and Ralph finally fight one on one. In the end, they get rescued, which is what primarily occurred. I suppose that Ralph cried in the end because he realized how much he had accomplished. Especially as such a young age. He fought for his survival and earned it. I despise Jack the most mainly because he was the hardheaded one of the group who only cared about power in the island. I know for a fact that if I were in an island with him, I wouldn't want to be anywhere around him or even look at him. I would recommend this novel to a friend because it carries a strong message, in my opinion. I remember reading it in 7th grade and getting the feeling of realization on human nature. The fact that anyone can turn into a savage if separated from society for too long.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Chapter 11 Questions

1. Ralph and his group decide to retrieve Piggy's specs and go to the signal fire in Jack's tribe

2. The twins are "seeing Ralph for the first time" mainly because he was acting in a different manner than usual. He enforced the rules and said told everyone to act in a poise manner.

3.The attempt to retrieve Piggy's specs back and to maintain the signal fire is bound to fail because Jack will simply not allow it. He wants the power to make a fire and at this point he doesn't care about being rescued. Therefore, failure is inevitable for Ralph and his group.

4. Roger possibly pushed to rock off the cliff in hopes of murdering Ralph for that he was intruding Jack's tribe.

5. The destruction of the conch is significant because without it, the boys have no form of civilization left. After it was smashed, the civilized side within the island fell apart along with the conch.

6. The reasons why the boys want a chief is because they want guidance. Which is exactly what a chief does, lead and coordinate the plans. The felt as if they were to have a chief, things would operate smoother and better in the island when it comes to working together.

7. Jack, do you want to be rescued, return to your old normal life in which you were taken away from?
Why can't you just agree with anyone else other than yourself for a change?

8. Life on the island isn't the same anymore. Things have changed around here, people died, sacrifices were made. I can't really tell myself it will be alright anymore. Especially with Jack going power-hungry. I want to join tribes and work together, but I know Jack will do what ever it takes to be leader. He won't back down no matter what, I want to say I'm proud of him for sticking to his guns, but not in this case. All I hope for now is that we get things situated before things become awry.
I made a promise to myself when I became stranded in this island. "I won't let anyone belittle me or push me, and I sure won't drop my guard down for even a second." Quite frankly, I haven't been paying much attention to my own concerns. After Piggy's death, everything collapsed in me. I couldn't believe what had happened. It should have been me. Then I think back to whose fault it really is. Jack may have destroyed order in this island, bullied me and others, but he will pay the ultimate price if he ever tries to break my spirit. I will never forget Piggy, and I wish I could make him come back. It should have been me.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Chapter 10 Questions

1. The discussion between the boys was primarily between Ralph and Piggy. They were both reflecting on their actions from the previous night, killing Simon. Ralph was depicting himself as a murderer. "That was murder" said Ralph slowly (Golding 156). Piggy was denying his role in Simon's death and was considering it as an accident. "It was an accident" (Golding 157). Meanwhile Sam and Eric weren't talking as much of what had occurred. They just mentioned leaving early because they were tired and complimented the dance. "We were very tired" said Sam (Golding 158).

2. There's a big difference between Ralph and Jack's explanations for Simon's Death. Mainly because Ralph is full of regret and he is posing himself as a cold murderer. "I don't know what I was" claimed Ralph. With Jack, he as well as the rest of his tribe, believed that Simon was the beast and that he has the ability to get any disguise. "He came- disguised" stated Jack (Golding 160).

3. Based on Jack's brutal punishment to Wilfred, I believe that he simply wants to demonstrate that since he is leader, he will accept no mistakes and will be very intolerant. By beating Wilfred, he's displaying a lesson to everyone else that shows not to upset him in any way. "I don't know he didn't say. He got angry and made us tie Wilfred up" (Golding 150). 

Needles to say, Jack is the new chief due to his strength in numbers. Everyone fears to upset him so they have become obedient towards him. 
Piggy: knows what they came for- the glasses
Ralph: hit Eric
Sam: refused to engage in conflict 
Eric: beaten by Ralph
Jack: took glasses
Roger: took off after Jack got what he wanted

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Latin Roots #9

Roots and Derivatives 
1. grad, gress (to step, to walk): gradual, progress, graduation, progression, congress, gradation 
2. grat, grac (pleasing, favor): gratitude, graceful, congratulate, disgrace, gratification 
3. greg (flock, herd, group): congregation, segregation, congregate, desegregation
4. host, hosp(it) (host, guest): hostess, hospital, hospitality, hostage, hospitaler 

Word List
1. aggregation (n): separate Individuals joined in a group, often for a specific purpose; a mass composed of many parts

2. aggressive (a): tending to be combative or forceful; filled with initiative or bold enterprise

3. degraduation (n): a major reduction in worth, quality, or standing; a deterioration, as of moral character

4. digress (v): to wander off the point or topic

5. egregious (a): standing out from others, but in a bad way, conspicuously bad; flagrant 

6. gracious (a): characterized by kindness, courtesy, pleasantness, and charm; merciful and compassionate

7. gratuity (n): a gift (generally money) given beyond the usual payment; a tip

8. gregarious (a): literally, living in flocks or herds; fond of being with other people 

9. hospice (n): a place other than a hospital for the terminally ill to reside; a place of shelter for travelers
10. hostel (n): an inexpensive place of lodging, as an inn or regional hotel

11. Ingratiate (v): to (try to) make oneself appear favorable or necessary to another; to bring into the good graces of 

12. inhospitable (a): not inclined to be kind or friendly; barren and forbidding 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Still Wrong Ebola Rx

1. The problem that the writer identifies is that the CDC wants hospitals to be prepared for Ebola cases so that they can provide the right treatment to the patients with Ebola.

2. The solution the writer offers is to use bio-containment hospitals and expand them to reduce the risk of nurses and doctors getting infected with the virus and spreading it more.

3. Sean Kaufman sees the CDC's guidelines for protective gear as absurd and unnecessary.

4. The point that Michael Burgrees made was that we can get infected from anywhere and that nurses' and doctors' whole bodies should be covered and protected.

5. I agree with the recommendation because such a contagious and deadly disease like Ebola should be treated in bio-containment facilities. Patients with Ebola need to be isolated and should have no reason to be in the same room/roof as a patient without it. Bio-containment facilities were created for a more precise and specific type of disease, so we'd might as well take advantage of them the right way.
They agree to with my reasons. Only diseases as deadly and serious like Ebola should be treated in special and isolated areas. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Ebola Summary

     In the report titled, "Ebola Viral Disease Outbreak - West Africa 2014", writers Meredith G. Dixon and Ilana J. Schafer explain the characteristics of the Ebola disease and point out the efforts to control the outbreak. The tone of the report was informative, straightforward, and tragic. First, the writers explain that the disease is characterized by the sudden onset of fever and malaise, followed by other signs and symptoms like myalgia, headaches, vomiting, and more. Next, the writers inform us that among Ebola patients, about 30% to 50% experience hemorrhagic symptoms. In severe and fatal forms, multiorgan dysfuction that includes hepatic damage, renal failure, and central nervous system involvement occur that leads to death. Also, the writers inform us the keys to control the disease. The keys include isolation of patients from the community to prevent the virus from spreading, identifying contacts of ill people, tracking the contacts daily for the whole incubation period of 21 days, and investigating of retro-perspective cases to document historic and ongoing chains of virus transmission. In addition, the writers mention that to implement prevention and control measures in both Guinea and Liberia, ministries of health organized and Ebola treatment centers to provide better patient care and interrupt virus transmission. Finally, the writers conclude by claiming what Ebola is based on, by fevers accompanied by other symptoms, and how the world is trying to put an end to it, by establishing Ebola treatment centers.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Latin Roots #8


1. flu(x), fluct (flow, flowing): fluid, influx, flush, fluctuate, influence, influenza, fluent
2. fort, forc (strong): fortress, forceful, reinforce, comfortable, effortlessly
3. frater(n), fratr (brother): fraternity, fraternal, fraternalism, confraternity
4. fus, fund, found (por, melt): transfusion, funnel, refund, fountain, confusion, foundry, fusion


1. affluent (a, n): flowing with wealth and riches: prosperous: (n), a flowing stream, as a tributary 

2. confluence (n): a coming or flowing together, as of rivers or ideas; a place of joining

3. confound (v): to perplex, confuse, amaze, or bewilder

4. effusive (a): pouring fourth in an emotional way; unrestrained or overly demonstrative

5. forte (n): one's special area of accomplishment or performance; one's strong point

6. fortify (v): to make stronger; to strengthen; to establish defenses

7. fortitude (n): strength of character, patient courage

8. fraternize (v): to associate or socialize in a brotherly fashion; to be friendly with

9. fratricide (n): the killing of one's own brother; someone who commits such an act

10. mellifluous (a): as if flowing with honey or sweetness; like the tones of a honeyed voice

11. profusion (n): a pouring forth, as of great numbers; plentifulness; an abundance

12. superfluous (a): (flowing) beyond what is needed; in excess of a sufficiency

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Knowledge is the information, facts, and skills acquired by a person through education or experience. Outside of school a person can learn many things, whether it's about themselves, other people, or the outside world in general. For example, you could go for a run and find out you could be really good at it , somewhat good at it, or find out you need to improve. You could also discover that many people you know live in the same neighborhood as you. Continuous acquisition of knowledge is important because there will always be new information. Everything changes in the world, and I believe that people should be up to date when it comes to present day knowledge. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Argumentative Writing

     Not everyone in school plans to go to college. If you look around, you'll see that there are students who don't really take their education serious. Quite frankly, they don't take many things serious. Those students can become a major distraction during class, and those same students get placed in a college required class. Not only do they frustrate and stress the teacher, but they also effect the students' study/ focus habits. Then I asked myself, "What do we really learn in school?" We learn the specific requirements a person needs to become successful, is my main belief. I also believe that there should be classes where we learn how to change a tire or other necessities there are in life. Not have everyone take math analysis or history where they're never going to use that knowledge in their job. There should be a better division from students who want a good education and those who refuse to listen. 
     Back in 2011, middle school combined 8th graders with 7th graders in classes. My cousin and brother experienced those moments and I asked them how it was. The responses were completely different. My brother absolutely hated it because he claimed that many 8th graders messed around in class and became a distraction. He also said that eventually the 7th graders became class clowns to and next thing you know half the class doesn't listen. My cousin loved being with the 8th graders. She personally didn't take school that serious, and especially at that grade and age. She claimed that it was very funny and that it was one of the best times in her school life. In some cases, the 7th graders would start the problem, but it was mostly 8th graders who started the base of the problem.
     This same problem exists today. It doesn't matter what grade or age students are in, there's always that individual or group of students who don't take school serious and distract those who do take it serious. My bottom line or last thought is that there should be separation between the 2 types of students and there should be specific courses for each person could take that could benefit their own selves.