Thursday, September 4, 2014

Journal Entry #1

     It mostly depends on what a book is about in order to decide whether or not it's boring or not. It also depends on the reader's interest in what they read. It can be entertaining for them. yet very boring to others. I liked the Cirque Du Freak book series. It was a science fictional and fantasy type that involved various creatures. It was exciting for me because I liked its content, but what I mostly liked was the adventure and action. It had suspense, romance, betrayal, and many other themes. Others might not like the fact that it had mystical creatures, but I sure found it entertaining. A book that I found extremely boring to the point where all you do is read the title and fall asleep was Guns, Germs, and Steel. It explained how human history began and explains it for a long 496 pages in total. Some people might have actually liked it because they for one actually like history and like books that have real information about the real world. Everything goes back to the reader and his interests.


  1. I agree with you! Books that have suspense and romance are my favorite. Although I'm a sucker for dramas. I haven't read Guns, Germs, and Steel but from what I heard it isn't interesting.

  2. I read Guns, Germs, and Steel and it is the most boring book ever. I don't recall like books though even if they are interesting. That's why English is my weakest subject.

  3. Yes I agree with you that it does depend on the reader's point of interest. I love books and if you give me any book to read I'll make sure to at least like one part of the whole story. I read Guns, Germs, and Steel and I'm not going to lie it was boring but I did like some parts.

  4. I never even got the homework for history so I wouldn't know how boring Guns,Germs,and Steel is, but from what I hear it's pretty boring. Glad I didn't read it.
