Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Perseus and Medusa

      Main Characters: the main characters are Perseus and Medusa
  • Perseus is a strong, clever, handsome, and is a human 
  • Medusa is a gorgon, has snakes or hair, has tusks, and has a tail

  • Arogos
  • Seriphus
  • Medusa's lair
  • Graeae lair

Main Plot:
Ploydectes was in love with Danae, Perseus' mother, and he wanted to marry her.
He didn't like Perseus though, and didn't want anything to do with him. He sent Perseus in an impossible mission, to capture Medusa's head. 3 nymphs and the gods Athena and Hermes helped Perseus by giving him a bronze shield, an sword, a magic bag, winged shoes that   gave him the ability to fly, and a helmet that could turn him invisible. Perseus found the Graeae lair, but they refused to tell him Medusa's location. He turned invisible using his helmet and took their one eye to blackmail them. They told him where Medusa was so he went after her. Perseus found Medusa's lair and killed her in her sleep by cutting her head off and stored  it in the magic bag. On his journey back he saved and married Andromeda. When he finally returned king Ploydectes laughed at him, so Perseus pulled out Medusa's head and turned him to stone. During the discus event in the olympics, Perseus threw the discus to far, and hit someone and killed them. That someone was his grandfather.

Main Conflict: The main conflict is Perseus' quest on getting Medusa's head. He faces many external conflicts when he finds the Graeae lair, Medusa's lair, and when he returns home. 

The myth tries to explain that anything is possible if you fight hard enough. If you're determined to get it done you will see success. 

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