Monday, August 18, 2014

Six Words

I believe that you should let life take its course, because you can't control everything that's going to happen. What you can do is prepare for what life is going to throw at you. No matter what you got to live in the moment. You're never going to get the same moment twice in life, so enjoy it. Life opens up many doors for you and you can't help that, but you can choose which doors to enter.

I thought about the words by thinking about 2 things: life and things you'd experience along the way. It's a belief of mine and it basically means have to be open to life and that you should live every second of it. Personally to me it means seize the moment. It can connect to me because whenever I get any good opportunity I take advantage of it. If it doesn't work out in the end I move on and prepare for any other upcoming thing that life would throw at me.

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