Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Birth Order Research

            I am the youngest in my family. Being the youngest in the family can be both easy yet difficult in some cases. Situations like our parents expecting a lot out of us. It can be easy because we can always reflect on decisions that our older siblings have made. We can also count on them for advice. Research has shown that the youngest children in the family are temperamental, rebellious, charming, and affectionate. Birth order research accurately describes my personality, motivating factors, and future careers.
            Birth order research describes me as a charming and impatient person. Even though I am shy, when I meet someone new I manage to grab their attention. They tend to find me weird but interesting. When I first met my friend Luis, I had found out that he liked Superman. That was one thing we had in common and it soon led to talking. We became friends there. I was shy to talk to him, but after finding out we had same interests I wasn’t afraid anymore. I also tend to be very impatient. My patience level is really low most of the time, but it all depends on what state my mood is in. The most common time where I’d get impatient is whenever I have to wait for someone or something. For instance, I once waited for 2 hours in the DMV. There were children screaming and running around, numbers that weren’t mine being called to the front desks, but the worst part was that I was standing the whole time. My patience had struck rock bottom. The research greatly describes both my personality and motives.
            My motivation mainly comes from both praise and encouragement. When someone praises me, especially in sports, when I run I feel like I want to do it more. That small cheer gives me slight adrenaline and gives me an extra boost. When someone encourages me to do something it helps build my confidence. With them believing I could do it helps me believe it to. Overall, my best motives are praise and encouragement because it’s perfect for self confidence.
            Sales and show businesses were always options for me as future careers. I’ve considered starting up and running my own shop because I would have the privilege to run my own destiny and to work for something I’d actually enjoy. Being the owner of your own shop can be really flexible for you. I’d deeply considered show businesses, but only ones involved with agriculture. I would love to be a part of showing animals in the county fair. It may not be my own business, but at least it’s something I really enjoy doing and being a part of. My 2 possibilities as future careers are being a part of a sales committee and agricultural show businesses.
            Birth order research describes me as an impatient and charming person, my main motivation factors: praise and encouragement, and identifies my possible future careers as a salesman and show businessman. My thoughts about the research are that they’ve described my qualities and I precisely. It couldn’t be more right on saying that I had specific characteristics and motivational factors. I also see myself different.  I’ve realized that I’ve had certain characteristics that I didn’t know I had. 

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't have agreed more. You are a very shy person but once people get to know you, you can be a really interesting. Oh, an yes you're weird but in a good way:)
