1.act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
2.ali, alter: another, other
3.am: at/ to love
4.anim: life, spirit, soul
1.agenda: a list, plan, or outline of things to be done.
ex.) The boss said we have a lot of meetings in our agenda today.
2.agile: able to move quickly and easily.
ex.) I would describe Jade as a very agile person because she is very active .
3.alienate: to make indifferent or hostile.
ex.) In just a few hours he managed to alienate everyone he encountered.
4.altercation: a noisy argument or controversy.
ex.) Given last year's violence, the altercation was not surprising.
5.amiable: friendly; sociable
ex.) Anyone could look more amiable and approachable if they smiled.
6.amorous: showing or expressing love.
ex.) Music does a pretty good job of expressing affection and amorous intention.
7.animated: full of life, action, or spirit.
ex.) My grandfather was very animated in his younger years and was never afraid to take risks.
8.equanimity: calm emotions when dealing with problems or pressure.
ex.) Her equanimity was striking, although her job presumably is exhausting.
9.inalienable: impossible to take away or give up.
ex.) We are a nation run by laws, enshrined in these laws are inalienable rights.
10.inanimate: not capable of life.
ex.) When you learn to program a computer, you acquire a superpower: the ability to make an inanimate object follow your command.
11.magnanimous: having and showing a generous and kind nature.
ex.) There certainly are quite a few magnanimous souls here today.
12.reactionary: relating to, marked by, or favoring reaction.
ex.) There are some signs of a reactionary movement in the art of fiction.
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